Interview Questions

Kill the cat

Insight and breakthrough occurs from the collision or interdisciplinary information. Curiosity is the force that puts such collision in motion.

Develop a clear vision about every role at the company

Before you hire a single person, you need to ask yourself: "What does success look like objectively? What do I want out of this role? How will I measure this person's performance in 90 days? What are the goals that we need to hit as a team in the next 9 to 12 months?

Raw Potential Energy

Find the most energetic and has the energy to positively manipulate the universe to do their bidding. Focus on people who always want to get to the next destination and achieve something.

Means over Ends

Find those who love to learn, not love being the smartest.

Hire to raise the average

Never hire someone unless they will raise the average for that position.

Pay attention to the polarizing candidates that are outliers in a specific dimension.

Search for unevenness. Find what is a weakness and makes a candidate uneven and focus on how to specialize their role for their strength.

Tony Xu’s Attributes of Excellence


Be high enough to set a vision who can understand the thematics of setting the strategy and where you need to go, but can also dive deep enough to really understand the core drivers of the business. There are so few people who can do that high-low transaction transition on any given day.
